Secure by Design

Secure with Hyperleap AI: Ensuring Unmatched Security and Privacy

Unparalleled Security

At Hyperleap AI, we understand the critical importance of protecting your data and keys. That's why we've developed the system on top of state-of-the-art security protocols and enterprise-grade patterns and practices - all leading to secure design choices. This means that everything within Hyperleap AI is secure by design.

Custom Headers

Every API call for initiating a conversation or executing a prompt can include Custom Headers. These Custom Headers can contain keys that help map your internal data securely, and can be used while querying from the logs as well. This approach guarantees that your internal systems remain secure while allowing smooth integration with Hyperleap AI.

End-to-End Traceability

Maintain complete oversight over your LLM keys and API usage with our End-to-End Traceability feature. Custom Headers attach unique identifiers to each API call, enabling you to debug, audit, and monitor easily. This feature offers complete traceability, providing valuable insights into how and where the API is used within your systems.

Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC)

Hyperleap AI's RBAC allows for finely tuned access controls with workspaces, ensuring that each team member, from developers to business analysts, has the appropriate level of access to the prompt infrastructure. This streamlines workflows and significantly enhances your environment's security.

Audit Trails for Enhanced Accountability

Our upcoming Audit Trails feature will provide a transparent record of all changes, accesses, and executions within Hyperleap AI. This adds an additional layer of scrutiny and security, ensuring complete accountability and historical insight into your AI interactions.

Single Sign-On (SSO) for Simplified Access

The upcoming Single Sign-On (SSO) feature makes accessing Hyperleap AI even more streamlined. Your team can use their existing corporate accounts to access our platform, significantly reducing the hassle of managing multiple login credentials.

Detailed Observability and Flexible Data Mapping

Hyperleap AI's built-in monitoring and observability tools allow for efficient issue resolution and optimal performance at all times. Our flexible data mapping capabilities via prompt and persona replacement variables enable you to tailor how Hyperleap AI interacts with your business systems, ensuring that the data is utilized exactly as needed.

Business Value Proposition

By choosing Hyperleap AI's Secure Key Management:

  • Enhance Security: Protect your LLM keys and internal systems with advanced security features.
  • Ensure Compliance: Meet industry standards effortlessly with our comprehensive measures.
  • Improve Efficiency: Streamline your workflows with RBAC and SSO, increasing productivity.
  • Gain Insight: Use our audit and traceability features for better decision-making and optimization.
  • Drive Innovation: Leverage our flexible data mapping and observability tools to push the boundaries of AI in your business.

At Hyperleap AI, security meets innovation.