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Chat and Tools

Integrate the intelligence you're designing into the daily workflows at work across teams with ease, with the Chat App. Everyone in your enterprise can interact with popular models, personas, or the instructional prompts.

AI for everyone, everywhere in your organization.

What can you do.

Engage in natural conversations with AI models and personas
Customize and create your own AI tools tailored to your specific needs
Foster organization-wide AI fluency and collaboration

Ready to Start Building?

Get Started with Hyperleap AI Studio, today!

Why Chat and Tools?

Enabling your entire organization to interact with AI through natural conversations and easy-to-use tools is key to unlocking the full potential of AI across your business. This is important because an org-wide AI fluency drives AI initiatives to fruition across the company - while making employees future-ready. Hyperleap AI's Chat and Tools features do just that - They empower every team member to leverage AI in their daily work, driving innovation, efficiency, and AI fluency throughout your organization.

Access Prompts and Personas

Discover and use curated AI prompts and personas
Chat with AI models and personas created in the Hyperleap AI Console
Enjoy seamless, human-like conversations powered by advanced LLMs
Get instant answers, insights, and assistance tailored to your needs

Chat with Popular Models

Engage with any AI models from one place
Discover and interact with diverse AI models and tools through a single interface
Seamlessly switch between different AI capabilities based on your tasks
Leverage the power of multiple AI models without the need for separate integrations

Increase Org-wide AI fluency

Empower your organization to upskill with AI
Access a library of pre-built AI tools for common business tasks and workflows
Quickly integrate AI into your daily work without the need for extensive setup
Benefit from best practices and proven AI templates curated by Hyperleap AI team

Leverage Tools for Internal Use

Leverage Custom AI tools to streamline your operations
Customize existing AI tools and templates to match your specific requirements
Customize and create your own AI tools tailored to your specific needs
Integrate AI seamlessly into your current workflows and applications

Ready to Start Building?

Get Started with Hyperleap AI Studio, today!

Transform your business with Hyperleap AI's Chat and Tools

Hyperleap AI's chat and tool capabilities enable your organization to harness the power of AI in a way that is intuitive, accessible, and actionable for everyone. By providing engaging conversational interfaces, curated prompts and personas, custom tool creation, and org-wide AI fluency features, Hyperleap AI empowers your employees to leverage AI in their daily work, decision-making, and innovation. Whether you're a business leader looking to drive digital transformation, or an employee looking to work smarter and faster, Hyperleap AI's chat and tools provide the foundation you need to succeed in the age of AI. Try Hyperleap today and unlock the full potential of AI for your organization!

Can I control access to specific chat models and tools based on user roles and permissions?

Yes, Hyperleap provides granular access controls and permissions that allow you to control who can access and use specific chat models, prompts, and tools. You can define user roles and groups based on job functions, departments, or custom attributes, and assign permissions to each role for different levels of access and functionality. For example, you can grant admin users full control over all chat models and tools, while restricting regular users to specific pre-approved templates and workflows. Hyperleap also provides audit logs and monitoring tools to help you track usage and compliance with your access policies.

How can I integrate Hyperleap's AI chat and tools into my existing applications and workflows?

Hyperleap provides a comprehensive set of APIs, SDKs, and webhooks that allow you to seamlessly integrate AI chat and tools into your existing applications and workflows. You can embed chat interfaces into your website or app using a simple JavaScript snippet, or build custom integrations using Hyperleap's REST API and supported programming languages such as Python, Java, and Node.js. Hyperleap also provides pre-built connectors for popular platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Salesforce, so you can quickly add AI capabilities to your existing tools and processes.

Can I customize the chat interface and user experience to match my brand and style?

Yes, Hyperleap allows you to fully customize the look and feel of your chat interfaces to match your brand guidelines and user experience requirements. You can modify colors, fonts, logos, and layouts using a visual theme editor, or by uploading custom CSS and JavaScript code. Hyperleap also provides a range of pre-built templates and UI components that you can use as starting points for your custom designs.

Does Hyperleap provide pre-built chat templates and tools for common use cases?

Yes, Hyperleap provides a library of pre-built chat templates, prompts, and tools for a wide range of common use cases and industries. This includes templates for customer support, lead generation, content creation, data analysis, and more. You can use these templates as-is or customize them to match your specific requirements and workflows. Hyperleap also provides a marketplace where you can discover and install third-party templates and tools built by the community and partners.

What types of AI models and personas can I chat with in Hyperleap?

Hyperleap provides a wide range of AI models and personas that you can chat with, depending on your specific use case and industry. This includes general-purpose language models such as GPT-3 and BERT, as well