Hyperleap AI is now Generally Available. Read announcement


Get full visibility into AI Operations without lifting a finger - we track all things AI from employees and internal workflows or from applications leveraging the REST API, and even alert you when AI outputs are flagged - Peace of mind, guaranteed.

See your AI clearly, steer it confidently.

What can you do.

Monitor the health and performance of your AI systems in real-time
Access detailed analytics dashboards for a holistic view of AI operations
Maintain a comprehensive audit trail of all AI activities
Capture granular feedback at the individual message level
Log all AI interactions, transactions, and activities for auditing purposes

Ready to Start Building?

Get Started with Hyperleap AI Studio, today!

Why Observability?

In the rapidly evolving world of AI, having a clear understanding of how your AI systems are performing is crucial for making informed decisions, optimizing processes, and driving continuous improvement. Hyperleap AI's observability features provide the transparency and insights you need to effectively manage and refine your AI initiatives.

Real-Time Monitoring

Keep a pulse on your AI's health and performance
Track the real-time status and performance of your AI systems
Identify and resolve issues quickly with proactive alerts and notifications
Ensure optimal system performance and reliability

Comprehensive Analytics

Gain a 360-degree view of your AI operations
Access detailed analytics dashboards for a complete picture of AI performance
Analyze usage patterns, efficiency metrics, and key performance indicators
Make data-driven decisions to optimize your AI strategies and investments

Audit Logging

Maintain a complete record of AI activities
Log all AI interactions, transactions, and activities for auditing purposes
Ensure compliance with internal policies and external regulations
Quickly investigate and resolve issues with comprehensive audit trails

Granular Feedback Capture

Gather actionable feedback at the message level
Capture user feedback and sentiment at the individual message level
Analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement and optimization
Continuously refine your AI models and interactions based on real-time user input

Ready to Start Building?

Get Started with Hyperleap AI Studio, today!

Illuminate your AI journey with Hyperleap AI

Hyperleap AI's observability features provide the clarity and insights you need to effectively manage, optimize, and evolve your AI initiatives. By leveraging real-time monitoring, comprehensive analytics, user interaction insights, audit logging, API performance monitoring, and granular feedback capture, you can make data-driven decisions, ensure optimal performance, and continuously refine your AI to drive better outcomes. Experience the power of AI observability with Hyperleap AI today.

How long does Hyperleap retain observability data for my AI models and applications?

Hyperleap retains observability data for a configurable period of time, depending on your subscription plan and data retention policies. By default, data is retained for 30 days, but you can choose to extend this period or configure custom retention policies for specific data types or sources. Hyperleap also provides tools for archiving and exporting observability data for long-term storage and analysis.

Does Hyperleap provide tools for analyzing and visualizing observability data?

Yes, Hyperleap provides a range of tools and features for analyzing and visualizing observability data. This includes customizable dashboards, interactive charts and graphs, and advanced analytics capabilities such as anomaly detection, root cause analysis, and predictive maintenance. You can also use Hyperleap's API and integration capabilities to export observability data to your own analytics and visualization tools.

Can I set up alerts and notifications for specific events or anomalies?

Yes, Hyperleap allows you to configure custom alerts and notifications based on specific events or anomalies in your AI models and applications. For example, you can set up alerts for when model accuracy falls below a certain threshold, or when user sentiment becomes negative. Alerts can be delivered via email, SMS, or integration with your existing monitoring and incident management tools.

How can I monitor the real-time performance and health of my AI models?

Hyperleap provides real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities for your AI models and applications. You can set up custom dashboards to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as accuracy, latency, and error rates, and receive notifications when thresholds are exceeded or anomalies are detected. Hyperleap also provides built-in health checks and self-healing capabilities to help ensure the reliability and availability of your AI services.

What types of metrics and insights can I access through Hyperleap's observability features?

Hyperleap's observability features provide a wide range of metrics and insights for monitoring the performance, health, and usage of your AI models and applications. This includes data on model accuracy, latency, throughput, and resource utilization, as well as user engagement, sentiment, and feedback. You can view this data in real-time dashboards, or use Hyperleap's analytics tools to identify trends and anomalies.